Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cheap Thrill: Dr. Teals Epsom Salt for your Bath

Ok so if you've read my blog, then you already know I'm a total bath person.... as in every night of my life pretty much.  It's the way I wind down, relax, and have alone time.  So, for that reason, I'm always searching for bath products and aromatherapy items to make my bath time more enjoyable (and relaxing!).  Pictured above are two of my faves, although there are other scents.

I stumbled across Dr. Teals at Walgreens of all places.  I love epsom salt baths to relieve sore muscles (and throughout my pregnancy I desperately needed to relieve my sore back!), so I went through so many expensive bath salts (which... don't be fooled... I still love! Especially THESE). However, I wanted a cheaper option for almost every day use.  After using the regular non-scented, store-brand epsom salts for awhile, I came across these.  They run you about $6 for a bag.  

For storage, I store mine in a glass jar with a cork on the top.  I usually add about half a cup to a cup per bath.  You can get these glass jars at a craft store or search online...

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